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미국 Dyanaco FM-5 아날로그 튜너 입니다 -A급-(판매완료)

by 종합전자 2008. 1. 6.
사용자 삽입 이미지
사용자 삽입 이미지

내/외관 상태 아주좋은 미국Dyanaco 사의 FM-5 아날로그 튜너입니다. 진공관시절을 바로

넘기고 TR로 첫출시된 작품으로서 추가기능도 있고 튜너로서의 성능도 일품이여서 일석이조

의 효과를 보실수 있는 제품입니다. 자체스위치 볼륨단이 달려있으며 라인프리로 사용가능

하므로 파워엠프만 가지고 계신분들에게 더좋을수도 있습니다. 튜너내부에선 AUX라인계통

1개 지원됩니다. 소리좋은 진공관 파워라면 이쁜소리 청감가능 하십니다. 전원110V 이며

FM스테레오 밎 분리 아주좋으며 화사하고 디테일한 화이트골드 색상에 앞면이 상당히 이뻐

보기에도 상당히 좋습니다. 판매가격 20만원이며 직거래밎 지방택배 모두가능합니다.

필요하신분 연락주세요 011-9050-3142 김태훈입니다. 좋은하루 보내세요...^^

Professional Service Alignment

There is no provision for any home alignment of the FM-5, and under no circumstances should any adjustments be made without the following service equipment:

  1. Sound Technology 1000A FM alignment generator, or the equivalent, such as a Measurements Corporation Model 88 or 210A generator, plus a suitable multiplex generator with adjustable pilot level, and an accurate 67 KHz oscillator.
  2. Oscilloscope -- Hewlett-Packard 130C or equivalent with its Diode Probe and a 10:1 Probe.
  3. AC voltmeter with rms scale.
  4. DC voltmeterm with 0.5 volt or less full scale; 10 megohms input impedance.
  5. Intermodulation Analyzer.
Operate both the tuner and the instruments for at least 20 minutes prior to alignment.

IF Alignment

Locate a dial setting between stations. Switch the tuner to MONO, Dynatune OFF, and maximum volume. Tune the generator to the same frequency with 200 kHz deviation and 3000 µv output. Connect the diode probe to the scope vertical input, with a sensitivity of 10 mv/cm. Set the scope's horizontal external sensitivity for 1 v/cm, with the sweep ("external" or "horizontal") output of the generator connected to the horizontal input.

The diode probe connected to TP 1 of PC-25 will show tuning as a bandpass curve. Center the curve on the scope display with the tuning knob. The IF secondary, accessible through a hole in the front panel, is the only adjustment on the front end. Seek the best combnation of symmetry and amplitude.


Reduce the sweep to 75 kHz, but be careful not to touch the tuning of either the generator or the FM-5. Connect the DC voltmeter (on its most sensitive scale) to the tuner chassis and to eyelet #4 on PC-25. Adjust the secondary (top) of the detector transformer T 1 for zero. Disconnect the diode probe. Switch the generator to external modulation and connect IM analyzer to it. The IM signal should be in a 1:1 ratio to allow for de-emphasis. Adjust the IM analyzer level for 100% modulation as indicated on the modulation meter. Connect the tuner output to the IM analyzer. Adjust the primary (bottom) of the detector transformer for minimum IM. Remove IM analyzer.

Audio Level

Maintain 3000 µv signal level and switch to 400 Hz modulation. Adjust trimpot P 4 on PC-25 for 2 volts audio output from tuner with the volume control fully up.

Muting Threshold

Switch to MUTE, attenuate the generator output to 8 µv (assuming the use of a 2:1 balun), and adjust trimpot P 52 on PC-26 until the audio just mutes off. Adjust trimpot P 52 until audio just comes on (actually 4 µv).


Return the generator to 3000 µv. Connect the DC probe to eyelet #1 on PC-25. Retune for zero if necessary. Then switch the mute switch to DYNATUNE. If the zero indication changes at all, adjust trimpot P 3 on PC-25 for zero.

67 kHz Filtering

From an external oscillator connect an accurate 67 kHz source to the external modulation input of the FM generator. Connect the 10:1 probe to the negative side (the top end) of C 51. While observing the 67 kHz on the scope, adjust filter FL 52 for minimum amplitude.


Switch to STEREO. Connect the stereo generator to the external input of the FM generator. Connect the 10:1 probe to the vertical input of the scope, and set the internal sweep to approximately 2 milliseconds/cm. Connect the probe to eyelet #11 on PC-26. Peak both the 19 kHz coils L 52 and L 53 for maximum vertical deflection. Go back and forth.

Reduce the pilot level on the multiplex generator to 5%. Adjust trimpot P 51 until the STEREO light goes out. Then adjust trimpot P 51 until the STEREO light just comes on. The STEREO light should come on at 5% of the total modulation. Return pilot level at generator to 10%. Move the probe to eyelet #12 on PC-26 and adjust the 38 kHz coil L 54 for maximum vertical deflection. Remove probe.

With 1 kHz modulation on the left channel only, observe the right channel output and adjust first the 38 kHz coil L 54 and then the 19 kHz coil L 53 for mimimum indication (maximum separation). Compare left and right separation. Switch to 10 kHz modulation on the left channel and adjust filter FL 51 for mimimum indication (maximum separation).

Meter Adjustment

Switch to MONO and decrease FM generator output to 10 µv. Set trimpot P 1 on PC-25 for 25% meter deflection. Increase the FM output to 30,000 µv. Set trimpot P 2 for full scale meter deflection.

사업자 정보 표시
종합인프라 | 김태훈 | 서울특별시 동대문구 신설동 난계로 26길33 2F | 사업자 등록번호 : 204-28-80712 | TEL : 02-2237-0999 | Mail : sucka80@naver.com | 통신판매신고번호 : 호 | 사이버몰의 이용약관 바로가기